Pupil Personnel Services License

Please visit the link below for information related to Certification

VDOE School Social Work Services

Certification Requirements

In order to be a School Social Worker in a Virginia Public School setting, you must first obtain at least a Masters in Social Work in order to obtain a provisional certificate. Licensure Regulations for School Personnel
The certification process is controlled by the Virginia Department of Education  (VADOE).  When visiting the Virginia Department of Education website, school social workers’ information can be found under the Pupil Personnel Services designation.  Pupil Personnel Services License means a ten-year, renewable license available to an individual who has earned an appropriate graduate degree from an accredited institution with an endorsement for school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, (or visiting teacher). This license does not require teaching experience. After 3 years of service or after all the requirements have been met, you will be eligible to apply for a permanent certificate.  Additional requirements for the license include completion of a Child Abuse and Neglect Training and Intervention module, a emergency first aid and CPR course and a Dyslexia Awareness Training Module.  Please use the links below for additional information and requirements.
Considering changing careers to become a school social worker. Visit this blog post for more information.

Certification: Contact VADOE by calling VDOE’s licensing office at 804-225-2022 or email licensure@doe.virginia.gov

Licensure:  Contact the Health Professionals at  (804) 367-4400  or visit: https://www.dhp.virginia.gov/About/contact.htm